Visa Medicals
If you require a medical exam for a visa application or for pre-employment clearance in another country, we can rapidly arrange all necessary tests and have the completed paperwork sent to you in PDF form by e-mail.
These kind of examinations are particularly relevant in the case of:
- Aid Agencies & Development Organisations
- United Nations agencies
- Private Sector companies (e.g. Emirates Airlines)
Destinations for which we do visa medical exams include:
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- Bahrain
- British Virgin Islands
- Cayman Islands
- China
- Qatar
- U.A.E.
Countries and companies have differing requirements involving combinations of some or all of the following, all of which we can arrange:
- Physical examination
- Blood testing
- Tuberculosis (T.B.) testing - Quantiferon (IGRA) or Mantoux Test (PPD/Heaf Test)
- Vaccinations
- ECG (heart) tracing
- Chest x-ray
For a same-day quotation and estimate of turnaround time for the tests you are being asked to undergo, please e-mail us.