
For travel vaccines, the following are the most common price packages ('recommended' vaccines + one-off
consultation fee for that trip + prescription). A consultation fee will normally be charged, unless you are attending in order to continue a vaccine course already initiated at our clinic. A full breakdown of individual vaccine prices and consultation prices can be found below this table:

Vaccine Prices

Number of Shots Required Duration of Cover Cost per Shot
Tetanus - Diphtheria 1 10 years €40
Hepatitis A (from age 1 year) 1 1 year initially If aged 16yrs plus: €55 & if aged 1yr to 15yrs 11mths: €70
Typhoid (from age 2 years) 1 3 years €50
Cholera (oral vaccine) 2 2 years €70 per sachet
Dengue Fever (‘Qdenga’; only for those who have had a previous Dengue infection - used from age 4 years to age 60 years) 1 - 2 Undetermined €125
Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B (combined)
(adult version, age 16 years plus)
3-4 Hep A: 25 years Hep B: usually lifelong €70
Hepatitis B (adult version, age 16 years plus) 3 - 4 Usually lifelong €50
Influenza (Seasonal Flu) vaccine (for those aged 18 years - 64 years); 16th Oct. 2024 - 30th April 2025 only. 1 1 year €45
Japanese Encephalitis
(from age 2 months)
2 1 year initially €215
Mantoux Test 1 n/a €100 per step.
MMR (Measles - Mumps - Rubella) - we administer to patients aged 16 years and older only. 1 - 2 Usually lifelong €45
Meningitis ACYW-135 (age 1 year and older) 1 5 years €75
Rabies (pre-travel) 3 pre-travel Life-long partial immunity in most cases €70
Tetanus - Diphtheria - Polio (all combined) 1 10 years €40
Tetanus - Diphtheria - Pertussis (all combined) - we administer to patients aged 16 years and older only. 1 10 years €55
Tick-Borne Encephalitis (from age 1 year) 2 pre-travel 3 years If aged 16 yrs plus: €80 & if aged 1yr to 15yrs 11mths: €100
Varicella (Chickenpox): we administer to patients aged 16 years and older only. 2 Usually lifelong €90
Yellow Fever 1 Lifelong for most patients (as of 11th July 2016) €70

Central/South America & Caribbean

For most travellers, we recommend up-to-date protection for Tetanus and Hepatitis A. Typhoid protection is required for a very limited number of Caribbean trips and some Central/South America trips. Protection against Yellow Fever is required for some South America trips. Other vaccines, which for most types of trips will be categorised as ‘optional’ exist and we will discuss these with you during your consultation. Price packages are shown in the table immediately below.


For most travellers, we recommend up-to-date protection for Tetanus, Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Protection against Yellow Fever and occasionally Polio and Meningitis is required for some Africa trips. Other vaccines, which for most types of trips will be categorised as ‘optional’ exist and we will discuss these with you during your consultation.

Central/South Asia

For most travellers, we recommend up-to-date protection for Tetanus, Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Protection against Polio is required for a small number of South Asia trips (Pakistan and Afghanistan in particular). Other vaccines, which for most types of trips will be categorised as ‘optional’ exist and we will discuss these with you during your consultation. Price packages are shown in the table immediately below.

South-East Asia

For most travellers, we recommend up-to-date protection for Tetanus, Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Protection against Polio is required for some trips, depending on the destination country. Other vaccines, which for most types of trips will be categorised as ‘optional’ exist and we will discuss these with you during your consultation. Price packages are shown in the table immediately below.

Single patient
(attending alone):
3 patients
(attending together, same trip):
4 patients
(attending together, same trip):
South-East Asia €220 €190 per person €185 per person €180 per person
South Asia €220 €190 per person €185 per person €180 per person
South America (without Yellow Fever vaccine) €220 €190 per person €185 per person €180 per person
South America (including Yellow Fever vaccine) €290 €260 per person €255 per person €250 per person

Where follow-up visits are required in order to complete a course of shots that were commenced at our clinic
(e.g. Hepatitis B, Rabies), no consultation fee is charged.

Vaccine Consultation Fees

Influenza (Seasonal Flu) vaccine only (for those aged 18 - 64 years); 16th Oct - 30th April only: €40
Individual: €75
Couple (per person, attending at the same time for the same trip): €45
3 patients (per person, attending at the same time for the same trip): €40
4 patients (per person, attending at the same time for the same trip): €35
Larger groups: (price on application)