Tropical Medical Check-Ups
A tropical medical check-up can be relevant in any of the following situations:
- Following travel, if you are feeling unwell
- Following travel, where you feel well but it is possible that you have contracted an infection that has no initial symptoms (particularly if you have been living/working in a Developing Country environment or travelling 'off the beaten track' and living in basic conditions)
- Prior to travel, if your risk of exposure to infections is likely to be above average (living/working in a Developing Country environment). The purpose of the check-up is to provide a baseline (both in terms of your physical exam and some basic lab tests) against which we can compare your health following the trip
We will be providing you with a consultation (approximately 40 minutes) with the doctor, where your medical history will be taken, a physical examination performed and where necessary, samples (blood, urine and stool specimens) for testing will be obtained.
Once all your test results are available, we will be writing to you, to provide you with a written summary of the tests performed, the results, a diagnosis and treatment plan, if relevant.
We will also be writing to your GP to let them know the outcome of your visit, unless you would prefer us not to.